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Wanita Merdeka

A block print exhibition by Yati Kaprawi in collaboration with Sejarah Wanita

“Malaysian history, the kind we grew up learning in school, cannot be complete without an account of the lives and times of various groups and persons who have been participants, witnesses, and agents of change within their communities. And any history that leaves out the voices and experiences of half the population suffers a woeful deficit.”

'Merdeka Women' is an exhibition by artist Yati Kaprawi in collaboration with Dr Rusaslina Idrus from Sejarah Wanita. Featuring block print works depicting and honoring Malaysia’s women such as Khadijah Sidek, P. G. Lim & Sybil Kathigasu amongst others, this is Yati’s ‘small’ contribution to highlight the history of women who fought for Malaysian independence as we move into our 67th year.

Yati reminds us to stay curious and aware of the political and socioeconomic conditions that women from different periods and walks of life have had to negotiate as well as the various ways in which they have asserted themselves through everyday acts of resistance, submission, and revolution.

Selamat Hari Merdeka Wanita Malaysia!

🗓️ Exhibition : 24 Aug - 1 Sept

🎉 Opening Reception : 5pm Sat, 24 Aug

✨ Events : Linocut Workshop 1pm, 31 Aug

🕒 Opening hours : 10am-5pm weekends


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